The Indelibles are kicking off the 4th of July a little early with INDIEpendence Day. Each participant in this blog tour is going to spotlight an Indie author (no Indelibles - this is a pay-it-forward event!) and hope that you find a new, awesome author to love.
For my part, I bring you Chelsea Fine, who is about a nice as can be and wrote a story I just adore! So without further ado, I present my interview of Chelsea.
1. First, can you tell us a little about the Archers of Avalon series and where you got your inspiration for the story.
I first got the idea for my Archers of Avalon series after a conversation I had with my sister about epic love triangles. We were talking about how super tragic it is when two brothers love the same girl, because there's no true "hate" in the triangle (the girl loves both boys, the boys care about each other because they're brothers, etc...) and I thought, "That's what I want to write about: An impossible, heartbreaking love triangle." So, that's what I did. Except I threw a few curses in there, as well as a hunt for the fountain of youth. :)
I first got the idea for my Archers of Avalon series after a conversation I had with my sister about epic love triangles. We were talking about how super tragic it is when two brothers love the same girl, because there's no true "hate" in the triangle (the girl loves both boys, the boys care about each other because they're brothers, etc...) and I thought, "That's what I want to write about: An impossible, heartbreaking love triangle." So, that's what I did. Except I threw a few curses in there, as well as a hunt for the fountain of youth. :)
2. In addition to that series, you first published a contemporary novel, Sophie & Carter. How was writing a contemporary novel different from your series with super natural elements?
For me, contemporary writing is easier. I don't have to think through things like, "If I was cursed by a wicked witch, what kind of attitude would I have at school?" (I have yet to be cursed by a witch, wicked or not.) For my contemporary writing, I think about things like, "What does it feel like to have my heart completely broken?" Now THIS I understand (thanks to my high school boyfriend, haha). Contemporary stories allow me to draw on my personal life experience, so I find that I write faster and with more honesty.
For me, contemporary writing is easier. I don't have to think through things like, "If I was cursed by a wicked witch, what kind of attitude would I have at school?" (I have yet to be cursed by a witch, wicked or not.) For my contemporary writing, I think about things like, "What does it feel like to have my heart completely broken?" Now THIS I understand (thanks to my high school boyfriend, haha). Contemporary stories allow me to draw on my personal life experience, so I find that I write faster and with more honesty.

3. I know you're busy writing away. What's next on your plate?
Ohmygoodness, so many books! I have a Sophie & Carter sequel I'm working on, the last book in my Archers of Avalon series, a Christmas love story, another YA contemporary romance, and a super secret project my agent and I are working on together. *wags eyebrows*
4. Tell us your favorite thing about being an Indie author.
The readers!!!! OMG, readers are the BEST! I love hearing from them and reading their reviews and skyping with them....*big sigh* I freakin' LOVE that there are people out there who actually read my stories and care enough to contact me and let me know what they thought about them. It's AH-MAZING! Seriously. I could chat with readers all day long. (And sometimes I do :)
5. As fun as being Indie can be, I know you recently signed with agent, Suzie Townsend of Nancy Coffee Literary. How's it been like working with Suzie?
Incredible. Suzie has turned my writing career upside down--in a GOOD way. :) She encourages me...she teaches in me...and she believes in me. Which is priceless.
6. Just for fun ~
flats or heels? Flats. I wobble on heels.
dresses or jeans? Dresses. Okay, I know this doesn't match my previous response, but dresses are just so comfortable and you can twirl in them and everything.
chocolate or sugary? Uh, chocolate. Hands down.
coffee or soda? COFFEE. I don't care if I'm addicted. I don't care. I don't care.
do you have any tattoos of your own??? No. BUT..I loooove tattoos! I love to design them for my friends and I love how they look, but I know myself well enough to know that if I ever DID get a tattoo, I wouldn't be able to stop. I'd just keep getting more and more until my body was completely covered in ink. And, while that wouldn't be a bad thing, I think I would get to a point where I’d be like, "Wait a minute...I don't have any more skin left to tattoo. Dang it! I need more skin!" and then I'd be all depressed. So, yeah. No tattoos for me.
See, I told you Chelsea is awesome! For more about Chelsea and her novels, check out her website, follow her on twitter, like her on Facebook, and of course, you can BUY HER BOOKS ~
Now, you can win e-book copies of both Anew and Awry simply by following Chelsea on twitter or Facebook. Leave a comment below with how you're following, your user name & e-mail address to be entered. And then be sure to continue on to the rest of the stops on the INDIEpendence Day blog tour. You won't want to miss it!
What a lovely interview! The series sounds great. As does Sophie and Carter. And congratulations on signing with Suzie Townsend! I've heard great things about her.
Great interview, and I've been dying to read these books! *faints*
I loved Sophie & Carter! Excited to learn Chelsea has fantasy out, since that is what I read the most. I'm following her on Twitter. Thanks for sharing!
I follow her on Twitter @celjla212.
Carrie @ Sweet Southern Home
celjla212 at aol dot com
I think she writes faster than I can read! Congrats on all the books. Very exciting.
Sounds like a great series! Thanks for sharing.
I'm following via BOTH Twitter and Facebook.
My Twitter is @CaptivatedRding
My FB is Captivated Reading
I follow both. Facebook is Linda Foster and twitter is @lkfoster86.
Thanks for the giveaway. I really want to read these!!
trombonechick04 at yahoo dot com
I am following on twitter @Veronica_Morfi
Great interview :)
veronicam46 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I'm following Chelsea on Twitter @RoxyKade :)
Great interview! I totally hear ya about crying in B&N--I've done that more than a few times... (Oh and following on twitter, I'm MeradethHouston!). Thanks for the giveaway!
Great interview & Congrats to Chelsea for signing with an agent! That's really awesome! I also really want to read Anew & Awry! They are on my ever growing TBR list!
I follow her on Twitter (@lyns8705) & Facebook (Lindsey Greer-Smith).
Following Chelsea on Twitter (@DeeDeeGriffin00)
Thanks for offering!
deedee [at] grifmail [dot] com
I've been wanting to read these books! I've been following Chelsea on Twitter for a while (@bookworm0753).
And I'm with you, Chelsea, on the dresses, flats, and coffee. :)
cherie.reich at
I already follow on Twitter! @elle_ strauss
these books sound great and I'd love to read them!
ellestraussbooks at
twitter: @janemorgan123
Great interview! Chelsea's books sound awesome and they all have such great covers, too.
Chelsea's books sound awesome.
Happy INDIEpendence Day! :)
Thanks for having me, Jessie! :) Happy INDIEpendence Day! :)
Thank you for a lovely giveaway! I follow Chelsea on Twitter- @kcarlson1152
Congrats, Chelsea--on your books and agent!
Nice interview! :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Twitter follower: @LexieBookBug
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com
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