are no overt commonalities among any of my novels, with the exception
that all but one takes place in upstate, New York. I love the little
college town I live in and enjoy weaving real-life places with fictional
for my characters to visit. Most of my YA characters also attend the
same fictional high school. Maybe one of these days I'll write a book in
which they all meet and share one big adventure!
With regard to common themes,
I suppose you could say each of my books focus around a central
character at a crossroads in her life, the point where choosing this
path over that one will have a major impact on her life.
Your first novel, Precipice, is for adults. What made you decide to switch over to YA? Are you planning to write more adult novels too?

When I first
started writing, I hadn't read any novels specifically marketed for the
YA crowd. But then I heard about this little book called Twilight, and
it was all downhill from there. I was hooked! I quickly followed that up
with the House of Night series, then the Wicked Lovely and Wolves of
Mercy Falls series . . . anything YA I could get my hands on.
Your first YA novel, Turning Point, sounds like a blend of contemporary and thriller. How do you categorize it?

Your cover for The Spirit Keeper is
amazing and I’ve already loaded it onto my Kindle because it sounds
fabulous. Did you have to do a lot of research into Native American
folklore to write the novel? [yes - I’m cheating and trying to get more
insight into the novel.]

I first had it in my mind that I wanted to write a novel with a Native
American main character, I began researching the Iroquois Nation. It
seemed only natural, given that the book is set in upstate New York and
the Iroquois once had a strong presence in this area. But then I began
writing the story in such a way that it portrayed that particular group
of people in a very negative light. In my gut, I didn't like what I was
doing or where my story was going. I toyed with the idea of making
Sarah Caucasian, but I knew the story would never work if I did. So I
did what any other author would do; I made up my own tribe! The Katori
people, to my knowledge, are completely fictional. Readers will learn
more about them in The Seventh Tribe, which is due out in the spring of
I’m secretly still in love with all things vampire so Blood Type looks great to me, but were you afraid of writing in an area that publishers say has been overdone post-Twilight? [editorial note: Blood Type is coming this fall.]

What’s scarier: an angry spirit or a vampire at night?
vampire at night, definitely. I remember reading Salem's Lot when I was
eleven or so, and then watching the movie and having nightmares because
of it. But what's even scarier are the vampires you meet during the day
. . . I'm convinced The Commons in downtown Ithaca is a hot-spot for
them (hint, hint).
probably getting used to doing interviews by now -- what’s the one
thing you’ve always wanted to be asked but no one ever does? (I want to
hear the answer too!)
your spouse read your books? I always want to know that about writers,
but they never talk about it. The short answer to that question is NO, and
I really hope this guilts my husband in to reading my work! In all
seriousness, my husband did read the final version of Turning Point,
which he enjoyed. However, he's not big on YA paranormal. Given that
he's a 46-year-old male, I can't hardly blame him.
Speed Round:
Thriller or paranormal romance?
paranormal romance
Food you couldn’t live without?
This would probably change from day to day depending what I'm craving. Right now it's my husband's homemade chili and cornbread.
Favorite musician/band?
The Killers
Eight of them! My black lab puppy, Chloe; the cats - Louie, Joey, and Ernie; the guinea pigs - Jeffrey, Mikey, Buddy, and Dobby
Favorite smell?
Crabtree and Evelyn's Rosewater perfume. It reminds me of my grandma.
And to buy, check her out on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Thanks so much for shining the spotlight on me! I had a lot of fun answering your questions. :-D
Great interview. The last two covers are simply gorgeous!
Great interview and glad to see you get in the Spotlight, Melissa!
Wow, Melissa! So much writing. They all look amazing. I'm really intrigued by The Spirit Keeper. Great cover. So nice to meet you!
Lovely interview. Melissa's books are top-notch!
Great interview ladies. Wow that's a lot of critters! LOL! I've been looking forward to Blood Type for a while now, can hardly wait to read it!
Thanks so much for the support everyone!!
My goodness, Melissa sure is prolific. All those books look fabulous!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I've added into my post that the burkas and modesty-coverings aren't legally mandated in Egypt (as opposed to other countries like Saudi Arabia). It's the women's choice, and they do so because of religious convictions, like the Amish and Orthodox Jews also have such conventions...
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